Thursday, May 28, 2009

Summer is Coming!

Can you believe it?! It is time to gas up the mower and fire up the grill!!

I think that is a perfect example of what summer should be, a healthy balance of work AND relaxation. Many times our kids can't wait for school to be out, but then in a couple of weeks, they get bored. Make sure to challenge your kids to stay busy with constructive and healthy activities along with a good healthy dose of play.

Many parents give their kids a couple of additional chores to help with around the house during summer break, and if the school didn't assign a summer reading list, you do it.

Dad, be sure to lead by example! Make sure to MAKE the time to relax and play with the family. It doesn't have to be a long and expensive vacation that leaves you broke and tired. Just be sure to make the time after work and on the weekends to hang out and have fun!.....after the chores are done! :0)

Have a great summer!!

Eric Snow
National Director