Sunday, June 22, 2008

WATCH D.O.G.S. at National PTA

Well, I missed posting yesterday due to complications the hotel was having with Internet access. They think the trade show was drawing too much power or something technical like that. Anyway we are back up and running!

There are almost 2,000 people here from all over the nation focusing on the well being of our schools and our children. It is a perfect environment for WATCH D.O.G.S.!! We have made a lot of new friends and reconnected with a lot of old friends. Many people have come by our booth to tell us how great their WATCH D.O.G.S. program is and how much it has added to their school. We love to hear all of the stories.

Yesterday Maya Angelou spoke at the General Session. If you are not familiar with Dr. Angelou, stop reading this right now and Google her!! Seriously, she is truly an amazing person and I do urge you to find out about her work.The fact that she holds 60, yes 60, Doctorates doesn't even begin to express her accomplishments.

I want to share just three things that she told us. "Not one of us arrived here on our own" and "People not born yet will be touched by what you do" and finally, "I'm going to thank you for what you are doing and then ask you to do it again and do it more"

I am offering Dr. Angelou's words to you as encouragement to continue the good work you are doing through the WATCH D.O.G.S program and to invite you to spread the word to other Dads.

Have a great week with your kids!!

Eric Snow
National Director

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